Epcot!! Jim hates it- I like it! It turned out to be a pretty warm day too. We arrived at Epcot and rode Spaceship Earth - which actually has been revamped and now has this cute video in it- that starred Noah (it takes a picture of you in the car...oh never mind- just trust me- it was cute!). After waiting for the in-laws and not having much luck- Mom, Noah and I hit the gift shop- picking up a stuffed Pluto for Noah and a ball and some other miscellaneous stuff. We then decided to have lunch and start the countries. We started in Mexico and took the "new" boat ride- much better then the old one- actually has Donald in it- really cute! Then we were Norway bound - where we rode the boat - Noah was *okay* on this ride- certainly no match for the Carpets of Aladdin! Onward we walked to China and purchased some Peach Iced Tea (not bad- could have used less peachyness) and then Noah fell asleep. We meandered through the rest of the countries- stopping for fried ice cream in America and even taking in the Japenese Marketplace. Mom and I hit the shops in France and the shop at the edge of the World Showcase. By this time- Noah was up- and it was warm- and he was warm- so we changed him into a swim diaper and his shorts and some sandels and let him run through the splash pads. He had a blast. People stopped to watch him, take pictures of him, and one person even took a video of him. It certainly cooled him off- and I think it helped us get him moving again. After we changed him - we went to The Seas with Nemo and Friends. They brought back the old Living Seas ride- it was fun- really interesting and Noah loved all the fish. We hung out there for a little while, took him up to the observation decks to see the fish and stuff. When we headed out from there we went to the Land. We took the boat ride in the Land (not one of his favorites) and headed to the Garden Grill for dinner (meeting up with the in-laws there). We were sat in this booth- that faced the Living Seas boat ride. The restaurant actually rotates too. It was a tad bit annoying- as they stuck Noah's high chair in between two tables- so his back was actually to my in-laws for the entire dinner. Our waiter (Jeffrey)- also proceeded to take things (namely the Salt and Pepper Shakers) out of Noah's hands when we sat down- and he basically was rude to us the whole rest of the meal. We have a sneaking suspicion he didnt like the baby- cause he was nice to my in-laws- just not to Jim and I. Our characters were Mickey, Pluto, Chip and Dale. The food was decent- even though our service left much to be desired. When we left the Garden Grill (after a two hour meal) - my mom and I headed to the bus- we made it- and by the time they were done loading mom and the scooter- Jim made it to. We went back to the hotel- and Noah feel pretty much right asleep. Jim watched Noah and mom and I checked out Downtown Disney. It was raining a bit when we got back- but Jim and I still hit the hot tub- and then off to bed we went- ONE more day in Disney to remain!
Stamps Are Fun 03 | Ali's Project 02
2 hours ago
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