We headed up to the cabin this weekend for some much needed relaxation, sleep and movie watching. The weather was awesome. Decided Sunday that Noah needed a small pool up there so Sunday morning we went to Kmart to buy him one of the small plastic ones. Filled it when we got home- and then decided while it warmed up we should go to the lake. packed a few things and headed on down. Noah loved the water, he took a long stoll out to the middle of the swim area and back with Daddy and had fun playing in the sand with grandma. Although, he wasn't too fond of the sand in between his toes- but I can't blame him - I'm not either. We came back from the lake, he played in his pool for awhile and then crashed for an hour nap (it probably would have been longer but we had a gust of wind blow a bunch of doors shut that thats what woke him up! Didn't do much else that evening - it was muggy that night so it made for harder sleeping conditions. Yesterday on our way home we stopped at the outlet stores and then came home for laundry time- fun stuff I tell you! Hope you had a great memorial day weekend!